海外並行輸入正規品Milwaukee 2471-20 M12 Cordless Lithium Ion 500 RPM Copper Pipe and Tubing Cutter Adjustable from 3-8 to 1 Diameters Battery Not の通販は
【商品名】 Milwaukee 2471-20 M12 Cordless Lithium Ion 500 RPM Copper Pipe and Tubing Cutter Adjustable from 3/8" to 1?? Diameters (Battery Not Included, Power Tool Only) ミルウォーキー2471-20 M12コードレスリチウムイオン500 rpm銅パイプとチューブカッターは、3/8 "から1°直径まで調整可能です(バッテリーは含まれていません、電動工具のみ) 【カテゴリー】Pipe Cutters(パイプカッター) : Milwaukee 【商品説明】 ・AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT: Wrap this around type K, L, and M copper pipes and it will adjust from between 3/8" and 1” automatically ・WATER RESISTANT: The head of the unit is sealed tightly to prevent water from leaking in and damaging the motor. Ideal for plumbing applications ・HIGH POWERED MOTOR works at up to 500 RPM, letting you work up to 10 times faster than standard hand-operated pipe cutters or saws ・LOW CLEARANCE: You can use this with piping that is as little as 1 1/2“ away from a wall without risk of damage to the tool or pipe ・RED LITHIUM COMPATIBLE: This tool will function with the batteries in the Milwaukee M12 lineup. These include the 48-59-1201, 48-11-1970, 48-11-2401, 48-11-2430, 48-11-2460, 48-11-2420, 48-11-2402, and 48-11-2440
Milwaukee 2471-20 M12 Cordless Lithium Ion 500 RPM Copper Pipe and Tubing Cutter Adjustable from 3/8" to 1?? Diameters (Battery Not Included, Power Tool Only)
ミルウォーキー2471-20 M12コードレスリチウムイオン500 rpm銅パイプとチューブカッターは、3/8 "から1°直径まで調整可能です(バッテリーは含まれていません、電動工具のみ)
【カテゴリー】Pipe Cutters(パイプカッター) : Milwaukee
・AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT: Wrap this around type K, L, and M copper pipes and it will adjust from between 3/8" and 1” automatically
・WATER RESISTANT: The head of the unit is sealed tightly to prevent water from leaking in and damaging the motor. Ideal for plumbing applications
・HIGH POWERED MOTOR works at up to 500 RPM, letting you work up to 10 times faster than standard hand-operated pipe cutters or saws
・LOW CLEARANCE: You can use this with piping that is as little as 1 1/2“ away from a wall without risk of damage to the tool or pipe
・RED LITHIUM COMPATIBLE: This tool will function with the batteries in the Milwaukee M12 lineup. These include the 48-59-1201, 48-11-1970, 48-11-2401, 48-11-2430, 48-11-2460, 48-11-2420, 48-11-2402, and 48-11-2440
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