Except for the 1966 and 1870 vintages of Lafite-Rothschild, these wines were poured on virgin territory on my palate. Isn't it ironic that the most disappointing wine (forgetting the spoiled 1875 Lafite-Rothschild, which had frightful levels of volatile acidity) was the youngest wine, the 1966 Lafite. With a light to medium ruby/garnet color, this wine exhibited a classy, weedy, herbal, Cabernet-dominated nose, soft, washed-out flavors, and little body and length. It is also beginning to dry out. I suppose if one were to taste a 30-year old Cabernet from Monterey County, California, it might reveal similar characteristics. The 1966 Lafite-Rothschild has consistently been a major disappointment from what is an irregular, but very good vintage (103, The Wine Advocate 23rd Feb 1996)
▶ シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト マグナム
▶ カリュアド・ド・ラフィット・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・マルゴー
▶ シャトー・オー・ブリオン
Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Except for the 1966 and 1870 vintages of Lafite-Rothschild, these wines were poured on virgin territory on my palate. Isn't it ironic that the most disappointing wine (forgetting the spoiled 1875 Lafite-Rothschild, which had frightful levels of volatile acidity) was the youngest wine, the 1966 Lafite. With a light to medium ruby/garnet color, this wine exhibited a classy, weedy, herbal, Cabernet-dominated nose, soft, washed-out flavors, and little body and length. It is also beginning to dry out. I suppose if one were to taste a 30-year old Cabernet from Monterey County, California, it might reveal similar characteristics. The 1966 Lafite-Rothschild has consistently been a major disappointment from what is an irregular, but very good vintage
(103, The Wine Advocate 23rd Feb 1996)
シャトー ラフィット ロートシルト 1961 海外取り寄せ2週間~1ヵ月 ロスチャイルド Chateau Lafite Rothschild フランス ボルドー 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
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