パーカーポイント: (89 - 91)点 予想される飲み頃:2017 - 2035 The 2013 Corton-Renardes Grand Cru is more subdued on the nose compared to Lalou's other '13s, at least on the morning that I tasted it from barrel. It just feels a little conservative. The palate is medium-bodied with slightly angular tannins yet plenty of freshness with a likeable red cherry and cassis-tinged finish that feels silky in the mouth, albeit without the persistence of a great vintage. (216, The Wine Advocate 30th Dec 2014)
Domaine Leroy
Corton Renardes
予想される飲み頃:2017 - 2035
The 2013 Corton-Renardes Grand Cru is more subdued on the nose compared to Lalou's other '13s, at least on the morning that I tasted it from barrel. It just feels a little conservative. The palate is medium-bodied with slightly angular tannins yet plenty of freshness with a likeable red cherry and cassis-tinged finish that feels silky in the mouth, albeit without the persistence of a great vintage.
(216, The Wine Advocate 30th Dec 2014)
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