シャトー ヌフ デュ パプ ルージュ ピニャン Chateauneuf du Pape Rouge Pignan
パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:1995 - 2010 Pignan is an actual terroir or lieu-dit that sits to the west and north of the narrow band of sandy/clay soil that composes the Rayas vineyard. While it is a separate vineyard, in practice, Pignan is the second wine of Rayas. Its extraordinary showing in such recent vintages as 1989 and 1990 have led some skeptics to suggest that Reynaud may be putting his best juice in Pignan, using Rayas as a second label. This is untrue, but there is no doubting that Pignan, especially in 1989 and 1990, is a wine of extraordinary richness and intensity that can be purchased for less than half the price of Rayas. The 1990 Pignan is a thick, fruity ball of overripe black-cherry Grenache fruit. Thick and juicy, with high alcohol and glycerin, this knockout, full-bodied, port-like wine should drink well for another 15 + years. Last tasted 12/95. (Rhone Book, The Wine Advocate, 1st Jan 1997)
Chateau Rayas
Chateauneuf du Pape Rouge Pignan
予想される飲み頃:1995 - 2010
Pignan is an actual terroir or lieu-dit that sits to the west and north of the narrow band of sandy/clay soil that composes the Rayas vineyard. While it is a separate vineyard, in practice, Pignan is the second wine of Rayas. Its extraordinary showing in such recent vintages as 1989 and 1990 have led some skeptics to suggest that Reynaud may be putting his best juice in Pignan, using Rayas as a second label. This is untrue, but there is no doubting that Pignan, especially in 1989 and 1990, is a wine of extraordinary richness and intensity that can be purchased for less than half the price of Rayas. The 1990 Pignan is a thick, fruity ball of overripe black-cherry Grenache fruit. Thick and juicy, with high alcohol and glycerin, this knockout, full-bodied, port-like wine should drink well for another 15 + years. Last tasted 12/95.
(Rhone Book, The Wine Advocate, 1st Jan 1997)
シャトー ラヤス
Chateau Rayas
シャトー ラヤス一覧へ
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